If You Want to be Rich, Use These 3 Habits of Highly Successful Creators
Don’t try to do it all. It’s better to be awesome on one or two channels than to overextend on six. Cameron Chapman
It's no secret that the life of creators - freelancers, content creators, gig-workers and influencers, can be fast and furious. Between juggling multiple projects and deadlines and finding time to take that rest to rejuvenate, it gets chaotic.
Well, here's the thing: creating is hard, and it takes time. But there are some common patterns among people who are successful at creating content or building their creative businesses—and if you know them, choose what works for you and follow them, then all the better! Here are three habits that successful creators share:
There's no secret to success, but having a plan helps.
Habit #1: Create and keep to a daily schedule.
When you're a creator, influencer or freelancer, it's easy to get lost in the work. We know that the work can be tough and we can feel like there's never enough time to do it all. The first thing you should do is keep a daily schedule. This will help you stay focused on what needs to be done each day, rather than just feeling overwhelmed at the end of the week.
Here's the thing: if you haven't made a schedule for yourself yet, you're not going to get the most important things done. If you do not already have a schedule, you should do it now—and if you don't do it now, then when will you?
Habit #2: Find a way to reward yourself every day.
The second thing is learning how to reward yourself when you do well. It's easy to feel like your hard work isn't getting recognized by others or appreciated in any way—but if you take enough breaks from working, it won't seem like such a grind anymore!
There's no secret to success, but having a plan helps.
Knowing when and how to reward yourself shouldn't be confusing. Don't spend too much time thinking about it. One helpful gain of having a schedule is to be able to measure your progress - what's done and what's left. Something as little as ordering small chops for the team or yourself is enough. Start now!
Habit #3: Schedule downtime and take your breaks.
Take enough breaks! Nothing is more important than getting enough rest and downtime so that your brain can recharge and come back stronger than ever before! Typically, aim for 8 hours of sleep every day.
Today's tip is all about making sure you're getting enough rest and keeping your energy levels up.
Develop and include these habits as routines and you will be more successful as a creator!
It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of your day-to-day life, but it's important to remember that you are not your job. You are the person who makes it a job.
You are not your job. You are the person who makes it a job.
Let's recap the 3 highly recommended habits of successful creators:
-You need a daily routine that helps you be productive
-You should have at least 8 hours of sleep per night (although as a freelancer I recommend 12 hours)
-It's okay to take breaks every once in a while!
Being a creator can be hard work, but it doesn't have to mean blood. Use these three habits that successful creators and freelancers have used to keep their motivation and productivity high!
Read: Distribution tools for creators to engage and monetize their fans, more efficiently
PS: Read “What is web3? The Creators Way”.
Photo by Ivan Samkov